Article. Page 85

MySQL installation steps

MySQL installation steps Install dependency package yum -y install autoconf automake libtool cmake ncurses-devel openssl-devel lzo-devel zlib-devel gc...
12:28 4 December 2019

Storage - massive data - (mycat core concepts and advanced)

target Master big data processing scheme and HA of database Master why database middleware is needed and what is database middleware Master the charac...
11:52 4 December 2019

Nodejs operation Sql Server

Intro Recently, the project needs to crawl some data, the data is encrypted, the front-end js is confused, the ajax request is hook, some complex, and...
11:45 4 December 2019

Get the K-th largest element in an array

How to get an array in O(n) such as which has the largest K element? We can use the partition method similar to fast row to limit the K-th largest el...
11:45 4 December 2019

GDB debugging Mysql source compilation and installation

Download source code git clone cd mysql-server git checkout 5.7 Compilation and installation Installation de...
11:32 4 December 2019

Practice of fdisk and parted partition under centos

Requirement: add a 100M hard disk and permanently mount it to / data01, write out the detailed operation steps Method 1: [root@localhost ~]# fdisk -l...
11:29 4 December 2019

Classification of cifar-10 based on Kears

I. Introduction to CIFAR-10 data set CIFAR-10 data set contains 60000 32 * 32 color images in 10 categories, 6000 images in each category, all of whi...
11:07 4 December 2019

3 Python file operation

Python file operations open The file can be opened in whatever encoding mode the file is stored in f = open('d:\Model housewife nurse head teach...
10:29 4 December 2019

Influence range after System class redirects output stream

problem 1. If the System class is used to redirect the output stream, will it affect the output of other threads? 2. What scope will this operation a...
10:03 4 December 2019

The usage of c/c + + overloaded operator standard library function

The usage of overloaded operator standard library function Question: is int(int, int) a common type?? For example, function: int add(int a, int b); Fo...
9:30 4 December 2019

LNMP schema access log, log cutting, static file not recording and expiration time setting

November 27 mission 12.10 Nginx access log 12.11 Nginx log cutting 12.12 static files do not record logs and expiration times Nginx access log Modify ...
9:23 4 December 2019

Golang reading and writing files

Reading and writing files is one of the common operations of programming languages. Here, we will read the related operations of the files. read file ...
9:05 4 December 2019

List collection multiple sorts

Write before: Sometimes we need to sort the data when the query data is displayed on the front page, especially by multiple fields. There are a lot of...
8:56 4 December 2019

Some methods of re

re.compile(pattern, flags=0) Create a reusable variable from a regular expression. The generated object can be used in other places repeatedly, inste...
8:54 4 December 2019

Teach you 10 minutes to build a cool personal blog

Take personal blogs for example, Blog address Preparation install $ npm install -g hexo-cli Initialization $ hexo init <folder> $ cd <folder&...
8:47 4 December 2019

canvas: writing dynamic clock in native javascript

At this time, the needle is centered on the center of the canvas; g.translate(width/2,width/2); This function moves the origin of the canvas to (widt...
8:47 4 December 2019

Recycleview imitates the list of items in Ruixing coffee menu

First of all, we need to understand that Recycleview's ItemDecoration is very powerful. You can use it to realize listview's segmentation l...
8:14 4 December 2019

Upload forms and attachments

Tools: vue+elementUI(upload component) Requirements: familiar with the uplood components and features of elementUI Get request file upload The upload...
7:45 4 December 2019

Python's C/C + + extension -- boost UU Python writing Python module

In the previous section, python uses ctypes to directly call dynamic libraries and uses Python's C language API to encapsulate C functions. This ...
7:32 4 December 2019

#The way to brush questions with leetcode 40 combination sum II

Given an array candidates and a target number target, find out all combinations of candidates that can make numbers and targets.Each number in candida...
7:01 4 December 2019

JAVA | Spring + quartz to implement timing tasks

WeChat public number: an excellent wasterIf you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a message in the background. I will try my best to sol...
6:53 4 December 2019

Experience in the development of vue mobile terminal

Introducing Mint UI on demand Used in this project mint-ui As a basic ui framework, it has encountered many problems in use. The official website doc ...
6:12 4 December 2019

GameFreamWork framework -- Application of event system

Event system is widely used, which is very helpful for processing player data (player gold, experience, level), making data call many times, reducing ...
6:09 4 December 2019

C pointer principle (15)-C pointer basis

Simple C pointer Pointer to integer and pointer to pointer myhaspl@myhaspl:~ % vim test1.c #include <stdio.h> int main(void){ int x; x=128; int...
6:08 4 December 2019

[JS foundation] Prototype and prototype chain, constructor

5 prototype rules All reference types (array, object, function) have object properties, which can freely extend properties (except "null") A...
6:06 4 December 2019

Full text collection of vimrc file configuration (most complete in history, with Chinese explanation)

I. differences between vi and vimVI is similar to the notepad of windows, which is more suitable for editing ordinary text, but it is not suitable fo...
5:58 4 December 2019

Custom parsing of spring boot front and back separate Instant timestamps

In the spring boot project, the front end and the back end specify the transfer time using timestamp (precision ms) @Data public class Incident { @Api...
5:37 4 December 2019

Download the complete novel from "top novel" -- python crawler

This program is just for practice. First of all, it's a non fee based novel website. I often read novels on this website, so I chose this website...
5:10 4 December 2019

TDengine+Grafana Data Visualization

The company's main business is to provide SMS mass distribution services to enterprise customers, with a strong internal operation monitoring pl...
5:06 4 December 2019

Video picture -- multi thread download tool

Don't think the network speed is slow? That's because you don't have a good download tool, multi-threaded download, the number of threa...
4:57 4 December 2019