Article. Page 86

Wechat secondary sharing error, invalid signature

The h5 page based on WeChat public number (using jssdk interface) is shared by user A to user B. Users can not share this page when they share the pag...
4:51 4 December 2019

Python 10 minutes to create your own personal logo

Preface I believe you are no stranger to the use of word cloud. It's easy to use. Just call wordcloud package directly. Its main function is to g...
4:34 4 December 2019

Notes on setting roles and permissions in spring security

concept In the loadUserByUsername method of UserDetailsService to build the current login user, you can choose two authorization methods, role authori...
4:27 4 December 2019

Blocking test of go channel

go version go version go1.11.2 linux/amd64 Unbuffered channel Test example package main import "fmt" func main(){ naturals:=make(chan int,0)...
4:23 4 December 2019

Getting started with Python crawler

Written in front A beautiful day has begun again. Today, we continue to climb the IT online education website, The data volume of this platf...
4:21 4 December 2019

Detailed process of making Douban film by react

Renderings: (ps: I don't know why some pictures can't be displayed, but the links are all right) 1. Establish react project: create-react-a...
3:58 4 December 2019

[operating system job lab1] linux shell script traverses the target folder and all files, including the processing of special character file names

Requirement: write a linux bash script to view all file s and directories in the target folder, and print out their absolute path. Run command:. / myD...
3:54 4 December 2019

Java implementation of XOR algorithm encryption and decryption

Link to this article: 1. xor encryption principle If an integer a and any integer b are ex...
3:36 4 December 2019

How does the line record length statistics come from GDB debugging Mysql priority queue sorting algorithm

background Next We continue to kowtow.Last article GDB debugging Mysql practice (3) priority queue sorting algorithm re...
3:36 4 December 2019

Rich text editor Quill upload pictures and videos

image and video belong to Embeds in Quill formats. To insert pictures or videos into rich text, you need to use insertEmbed api. insertEmbed insertEmb...
3:35 4 December 2019

[TeeChart Pro ActiveX tutorial]: other palette components of TeeChart

Download the latest version of TeeChart Pro ActiveX Use additional TeeChart controls TeeChart for.Net includes several additional controls that you c...
3:16 4 December 2019

How to create the button effect of bubble fill with pure CSS

Effect preview Online demo Press the "click preview" button on the right to preview on the current page, and click the link to preview in f...
3:09 4 December 2019

17 blue bridge C language B group 3. Pressure bearing calculation

Title: pressure calculation In the high-tech laboratory of Planet X, some precious metal materials are stacked neatly. The shape and size of each met...
2:52 4 December 2019

Time complexity of calculation algorithm

A simple example int i, sum = 0; # Execute 1 times int n = 100; # Execute 1 times for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { # Executed n+1 times sum += i; # Loo...
2:38 4 December 2019

java web Implementation forget password (retrieve password) function and code

java web Implementation forget password (retrieve password) function and code java web Implementation forget password (retrieve password) function an...
2:36 4 December 2019

Storm profile format exception

Storm's configuration file format is prone to errors, which causes Storm to fail to start correctly. The error messages caused by the format are...
2:30 4 December 2019

After two or more threads finish executing, continue to perform the following steps, CountDownLatch and CyclicBarrier

In the development process, there will be more or less one method that needs to wait for the execution results of two or more threads. How do we deal ...
1:46 4 December 2019

vue component encapsulation and parent-child component value passing, event handling

In the development of vue, the part with unified function is extracted as an independent component and introduced when it is needed, which can effecti...
1:45 4 December 2019

Using the BeanUtils class to copy the same name property between DToS

In the development, we often encounter such a scenario that all fields are queried from the database, but some fields do not want to be given When the...
1:25 4 December 2019

Ethereum DAPP[4] - ××× - foreground display interface

Front page display In the following display, it shows the address of the manager, the number of current participants, the current fund pool, the play...
1:15 4 December 2019

Echo server C + + 4-UDP connect version

Calling the connect function for a UDP socket does not establish a connection with the UDP socket of the other party, but registers the destination IP...
1:07 4 December 2019

[Go] golang buffer channel to manage a group of goroutine work

passageway1. When a resource needs to be shared between goroutines, the channel sets up a pipeline between goroutines2. No buffer channel and buffered...
0:50 4 December 2019

Spring MVC file upload

I. step summary Import jar package Configure web.xml Create configuration file mvc.xml in src directory Create the front page fileupload.jsp Create co...
0:39 4 December 2019

Webpack learning - how it works

Following the last chapter Article This paper introduces the basic concept of webpack, the whole process, and the function of some events broadcast in...
0:32 4 December 2019

Fuzzy matching based on string

Recently, due to the phenomenon that some similar cell names, street names stored in the database are not standardized, such as shorthand, typography,...
0:24 4 December 2019

Python basic exercises

1. Number of printing 1-100 for i in range(1, 101): print(i) 2. Print the sum of 1 + 2 +.. 100 num = 1 sum = 0 while num < 101: sum += num num += 1...
0:08 4 December 2019

CentOS 7.5 deploy the latest stable version of jenkins and configure ldap authentication

Reference document
0:00 4 December 2019

[drain pit] Ftp normally connects to the server but cannot get the file

Some codes in ftp tool class ftp util are as follows: import*; public class FtpUtil { private static Logger log = Logger.g...
23:42 3 December 2019

Talk about registerConsumer and unregisterConsumer of rocketmq

order This paper mainly studies the registerConsumer and unregisterConsumer of rocketmq. MQClientInstance rocketmq-client-4.5.2-sources.jar!/org/apach...
23:39 3 December 2019

Day 13 of advanced learning

Catalog 1. Anonymous type 2. Lambda expression 1. Anonymous type Without indicating the type of type, an object of unknown type is created through im...
23:28 3 December 2019