Article. Page 95

java instance understands the concept of blockchain

The core of blockchain is decentralized storage. Traditional database solutions, including relational database and non relational database, belong to...
16:38 10 November 2019

QML TEXT content up and down, left and right effect realization

1. effect Want to use QML to achieve the effect of scrolling Text, that is, "can scroll up and down one by one, when each content exceeds the le...
15:51 10 November 2019

Problem B: a novel addition operation

Define the class newInt, including: Data member of type int. Overloaded operator '+'. The calculation rule is: add the numbers in the corre...
15:33 10 November 2019

Spring Boot 2.x Actual StateMachine

This article was first published on a personal website: Spring Boot 2.x Actual StateMachine Spring StateMachine is a state machine framework. In the S...
14:57 10 November 2019

PHP uses recursion to find data hierarchically

Today I'll focus on using recursion to find data hierarchically.The principle is very simple. It is mainly to find the children through the paren...
14:34 10 November 2019

Using sentry in hyperf

sentry document: After being familiar with the exception catching mechanism of the hyperf architecture, I think sentry can be ...
14:03 10 November 2019

leetcode: sum of three numbers

Train of thought: 1. Sort first (from small to large) 2. Outer loop: traverse the array, fix the number nums[i] one at a time, and then make low=i+1,...
13:17 10 November 2019

Tensorflow output u data [output u id = = I] = input u data [input u id = = I] code analysis

import tensorflow as tf import os os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '1' with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as sess: in...
12:48 10 November 2019

Simplify request by reflection

When you submit data for adding, you can set the name attribute of input, and then servlet uses request.getParameter("name") to receive par...
12:47 10 November 2019

Sword finger offer - the range of motion of a robot

Problem description There is a grid of m rows and n columns on the ground, and a robot moves from the grid of coordinates (0,0), It can move left, rig...
11:38 10 November 2019

Go is fun, 5.20 make a diagram with go / let the words dance

Today, I'd like to introduce an interesting codeThe picture is generated into a pattern of text. Have you seen the GIF of dancing sister composed...
11:26 10 November 2019

Search in 2D array of [sword finger Offer]

Sword finger Offer question Search in 2D array -- sword finger Offer 1 Title Description In a two-dimensional array (each one-dimensional array has t...
11:24 10 November 2019

java judge time difference month day tool class

I. Java time comparison requirements 1. From time a to time B, how many years, months and days is the difference. For example, from February 2, 2011 ...
10:48 10 November 2019

Luogu - P1018 product maximum problem solution

Original text: Title: P1018 [maximum product] Preface: In theory, the positive solution of this...
10:42 10 November 2019

What is java serialization? When is serialization required?

Serialization: the process of converting Java objects into byte streams. Deserialization: the process of converting a byte stream to a Java object. Ja...
10:07 10 November 2019

Introduction to Kotlin 1 -- one sentence tutorial

1. Define function fun function name (parameter name: type, parameter name: type,...): return type{ ...... } such as fun sum(a: Int, b: Int): Int { r...
10:06 10 November 2019

Release npm package step pit

Yesterday, I tried to release npm package. I ran into a problem. Please record it. First, npm account must be registered Using npm adduser command npm...
9:57 10 November 2019

zabbix monitoring mysql survival and performance

The Zabbix environment has been deployed:Zabbix_aget: installed in / etc/zabbix1. Open port 10050 firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=10050/tcp --p...
9:56 10 November 2019

Python? Restframework (frequency component)

BaseThrottle (1) take out the visitor ip (2) judge that the current ip is not in the ACCESS Dictionary, add it in, and return True directly, indicati...
9:49 10 November 2019

python dry goods sharing in the source code Era

Simple decorator 1.1.1. The simplest decoration behavior One of the characteristics of decorator is to add content on the basis of executing original...
9:11 10 November 2019

1 Directory Description

Directory Description **bin**Essential command binaries Binary program of basic commands available to all users **boot**Static files of the boot load...
8:26 10 November 2019

I. Basic Introduction to scala

[TOC] I. overview of scala 1.1 INTRODUCTION Scala is a multi paradigm programming language. The original intention of its design is to integrate vari...
8:11 10 November 2019

Take a look at the new feature of Java 8 -- lambda expression

What is a lambda expression? Lambda expressions can be understood as a concise way to express transitive anonymous functions: it has no name, but it ...
7:36 10 November 2019

Initial knowledge tree and binary tree (basic knowledge explanation and common implementation)

Binary Tree Padding - Tree In the previous articles, the linear table, stack, queue, string, and so on, which we have mainly introduced, are one-to-o...
23:02 9 November 2019

Use Preference in Androidx - to record an official document error

Use Preference the Androidx way cause Possibly because of targetApi=29, AS reminded me that some of the methods in PreferenceActivity had been abandon...
20:22 9 November 2019

Update two written test programming questions

360 enterprise safety written test First question Finding the greatest common divisor of a series def gys(a): res_a=[] for i in range(1,a+1): if a%i=...
11:59 9 November 2019

Programming questions - serialization and deserialization

Title Description Please implement two functions to serialize and deserialize binary tree Ideas: (1) first, we need to build a binary tree The idea o...
11:11 9 November 2019

reverse string

11:02 9 November 2019

Leetcode PHP solution -- D63 917. Reverse Only Letters

D63 917. Reverse Only Letters Title Link 917. Reverse Only Letters Title Analysis Given a string containing symbols, it only reverses the occurrence o...
10:57 9 November 2019

The View layer of the basis of Sails - Assets

The assets directory is the directory where the front-end static resources are placed under the application of Sails, such as js, css, image, etc. Dy...
10:31 9 November 2019