Article. Page 96

The nearest common ancestor of binary search tree

The nearest common ancestor of binary search tree LeetCode Chinese LeetCode English Given a binary search tree, the nearest common ancestor of two sp...
14:13 8 November 2019

Understand the working principle of gorang's sync.Map according to the topological diagram

Topology diagram of sync.Map Some key points to understand the diagram var expunged = unsafe.Pointer(new(interface{})) type Map struct type readOnly s...
13:44 8 November 2019

Automatic deployment of front-end based on vue cli, automatic backup of index.html, version returnable

Expect: Hope to realize remote server deployment through npm command Deployment includes test environment and production environment Before packaging ...
5:56 8 November 2019

Custom named thread pool

Let's take a look at the DefaultThreadFactory used by java.util.concurrent.Executors in JDK1.6: /** * The default thread factory */ static class ...
4:55 8 November 2019

What's a Facade? I hope it's useful for PHPer

What is the Facade? At present, it is a class that is used to facilitate the static method call of the original class (undefined static method).The sp...
4:22 8 November 2019

Comparison of java replication methods

1. Background In the actual programming process, we often encounter this situation: there is an object A, at A certain time A already contains some va...
3:52 8 November 2019

Mybaits Source Parsing - The most detailed network, none: ResultSet automatically maps to entity class objects (last)

In the previous article, we sent SQL to the database and returned a ResultSet. Next, we automatically mapped the ResultSet to an entity class object.T...
22:55 7 November 2019

Laravel queue technique: Fail, Retry, or Delay

The article was forwarded from the professional Laravel developer community with the original link: When creating qu...
21:25 7 November 2019

Feign automatic assembly principle

spring.factories As always, when you look at the source code, let's first look at the FeignAutoConfiguration class, which is automatically assemb...
21:13 7 November 2019

Programming job 20191104082520 (branch and jump) to blog

1 Write a program to read the input, stop reading the #character, and report the number of spaces, line breaks, and all other characters read. #includ...
21:07 7 November 2019

Front-end technology: how to execute methods in the UI after vuex state management action asynchronous call ends

1. Origin of the problem Recently, when working on the vue.js project, we encountered the problem of communication and interoperability between vuex s...
19:11 7 November 2019

Spring Security and Spring Session

Extend JSON-based login The client and server timed out and authentication failed due to prolonged interaction on the server.However, the user does no...
16:46 7 November 2019

PowerShell saves clipboard pictures and constructs a MarkDown statement

target Recently learning to write documents with MarkDown, I hate passing pictures.Prepare to build your own wheel with PowerShell, but also search a...
16:45 7 November 2019

Group decision SDUT discrete mathematics OJ4171

Group decision Time Limit: 1000 ms Memory Limit: 65536 KiB Submit Statistic Problem Description Let d be a set of nonnegative subnumbers, and let bin...
16:32 7 November 2019

Linux Account and Rights Management

Linux/Centos7 Account and Rights Management Manage user accounts, group accounts Query account information Set permissions for files and directories ...
16:27 7 November 2019

C + + -- initialization list

Q: is the definition of the following program class legal? #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Test { private: const int ci; public:...
15:57 7 November 2019

FUTURES MODEL | 4. devpressure pressure submodule

The Development Pressure Submodule calculates the development pressure of each cell by searching for the number of neighboring developed cells and wei...
14:22 7 November 2019

Transfer closure SDUT discrete mathematics OJ4175

Transitive closure Time Limit: 1000 ms Memory Limit: 65536 KiB Submit Statistic Problem Description It is known that there are n cattle, m times of c...
13:55 7 November 2019

java export excel exceeds 65533 lines

Business background:List export, data export more than 65533 rows Solution: 1. Over 65533 lines, direct system hint: The maximum number of bars suppo...
13:44 7 November 2019

Song Baohua: A Complete Case of Ftrace

This article is reproduced and the copyright is owned by the author.For commercial reprinting, please contact the author for authorization. For non-co...
13:35 7 November 2019

[Java] select sort & heap sort

1 select sort 1.1 basic ideas Each time, the smallest (or largest) element is directly selected from the data elements to be sorted and stored at the...
13:20 7 November 2019

JAVA basic arrangement

HashMap learning -- write a simple HashMap manually for understanding 1. Definition of Node public class Node { public int hash; public Object key; pu...
12:55 7 November 2019

Comparison between swiper and scroll view (implementation level slider)

The most commonly used way to realize the horizontal sliding of the slider in the applet is through the scroll view. However, the sliding realized th...
12:38 7 November 2019

python base (16): built-in function

1. lamda anonymous function In order to solve some simple requirements_Designed_sentence function # Calculation n Of n Secondary_ def func(n): return ...
12:22 7 November 2019

Graph theory algorithm: reachability and path finding of directed graph

Accessibility of Digraphs Using the depth first algorithm of digraph, it solves the problem of single point connectivity, and can determine whether o...
12:03 7 November 2019

Judgement subgroup SDUT discrete mathematics OJ4172

Judgement subgroup Time Limit: 1000 ms Memory Limit: 65536 KiB Submit Statistic Problem Description Given a finite group s and one of its subsets S1,...
11:29 7 November 2019

Distributed globally unique ID generation method

I. snowflake algorithm twitter's open-source distributed id generation algorithm uses 64 bit long id. 41 bit, time stamp, in milliseconds, 2 ^ 4...
11:03 7 November 2019

Hints for You have new mail in/var/spool/mail/root on Linux

1. Sometimes we operate under the root user and often prompt you after login: You have new mail in/var/spool/mail/root. This prompt is due to reminde...
10:58 7 November 2019

js object-oriented design pattern inheritance

//Class inheritance // function Father(){ // this.fartherValue = true; // } // Father.prototype.getFartherValue = function () { // return this.farthe...
10:46 7 November 2019

[java] dynamic planning: find the longest common sub column

**Example: * * given two sequences, for example X = ABCBDAB, Y = BDCABA, find the length of their longest common subsequence. Subsequence: in the giv...
10:35 7 November 2019