Article. Page 84

How do I avoid deadlocks?

When concurrent programs become deadlocked, we often have to restart the application.The best way to solve the deadlock problem is to avoid it. Condit...
2:56 6 December 2019

20190110 - generate password and simple password strength check

1. Generate 9-letter password Using the random.choice function, this function requires a sequence, so a given sequence contains A-Z, A-Z #step1: Gener...
19:10 4 December 2019

The use of Spring @Async annotation

Premise of use If there is an asynchronous method in the current class a.class and @ Async is used, it must be called by other classes (such as b.clas...
18:45 4 December 2019

android ------ RecyclerView imitates Taobao shopping cart

Shopping cart is often used in e-commerce projects. There are many projects with different interfaces. Choose one to talk about it. RecyclerView imita...
18:38 4 December 2019

Exception handling in [C + +] 64 μ C + +

C + + exception handling C + + has built-in exception handling syntax element try... Catch try statement handles normal logic code catch statement pro...
18:17 4 December 2019

Easy to use C language to achieve student achievement management system (source code attached)

image I believe that most beginners have to do such a program, that is to use C language to realize a student performance management system, which re...
18:13 4 December 2019

How to create a shaky loader with pure CSS

Effect preview Online demo Press the "click preview" button on the right to preview on the current page, and click the link to preview in f...
18:09 4 December 2019

bzoj4818 SDOI2017 sequence count

Title Link thinking First of all, consider the scheme number of violence \ (dp \), \ (f[i][j] \) represents the number of first \ (I \), the sum of nu...
18:01 4 December 2019

V. custom converter, httprequest image alignment, HttpResponse, JsonRepons of view layer

I. virtual environment 1. Create with Python - > files - > new project - > select virtual environment 2 Settings > project creation 3. Cr...
17:57 4 December 2019

cookies and sessions components

Catalog Cookies and session s cookie introduction session Introduction token django operation cookie Set cookie Get cookie delete cookie Login authen...
17:39 4 December 2019

1030 perfect sequence (25 points)

Given a positive integer sequence, and a positive integer p, let the maximum value of the sequence be m, and the minimum value be m. if M ≤ mp, the s...
17:25 4 December 2019

Implementation principle of ArrayList (JDK 1.8)

Implementation principle of ArrayList (JDK 1.8) public class ArrayList<E> extends AbstractList<E> implements List<E>, RandomAccess, ...
17:22 4 December 2019

The realization of headless bidirectional linked list

1. head insertion public void addFirst(int data) { //Head insertion DLinkedNode newNode = new DLinkedNode(data);//New nodes joined DLinkedNode next =...
17:14 4 December 2019

python(leetcode) - repeated element algorithm

leetcode primary algorithm Problem description Given an array of integers, determine whether there are duplicate elements. If any value appears in the...
17:13 4 December 2019

spring's Custom Annotation Analysis

Preface spring provides rich annotations, but sometimes does not meet the complex needs of existing businesses. We can refine our business framework b...
17:01 4 December 2019

Filter query of hbase

There are many filters for hbase: they can be roughly divided into two categories: comparison filter and special filter. The function of filter is to...
16:46 4 December 2019

A simple example of go in + caspin RBAC

Explain //Libraries used: This article is for reference: https://githu...
15:59 4 December 2019

Team Tic Tac Toe solution

Question: Translation: Some cows are playing a game: They wrote some letters on a 3 * 3 blackboard The first letters of these cows are A Z If the sam...
15:35 4 December 2019

ThinkPHP+JQuery for asynchronous file upload

Front-end code <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>ThinkPHP+JQuery...
15:09 4 December 2019

Several ways to realize multithreading

This blog series is a record summary of learning concurrent programming. Due to the large number of articles and the scattered time of writing, I arra...
14:28 4 December 2019

k8s uses glusterfs to realize dynamic persistent storage

brief introduction This article introduces how to use glusterfs to provide k8s with the function of dynamic pv application. Glusterfs provides the un...
14:08 4 December 2019

Using NasNet model and keras to do deep learning training is wrong

When using NasNet model and keras for deep learning training, the following code is used I. code chip: inputs = Input((224, 224, 3)) base_model = NAS...
13:54 4 December 2019

jinkens+gitlab implement CI/CD for k8s cluster

I. environmental preparation K8s cluster environment (here I am k8s cluster of three sets); A single docker server is mainly used to upload images to...
13:45 4 December 2019

ASH production practice I of Oracle10G

ASH practice 1 of Oracle10G ASH is a new feature of Oracle 10g, which is very valuable for DBA. It is based on V $sssion and samples once a second, R...
13:37 4 December 2019

Using HttpClient to send file stream to server

Applicable scenarios:The URL file or picture of the absolute path of the network is not stored locally, but converted into stream. It is directly tran...
13:27 4 December 2019

The use of Gson serializer

Business scenario: Recently, we are doing a file path encryption. Many classes are designed to file paths. Because the framework used in our project i...
13:22 4 December 2019

20190108 use of recursive function to realize the use of basic recursive functions such as finding the greatest common divisor

1. Given a = [1,2,[3,4,[5,6,7,[8,9,[10,11]]]], print output is required: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Use the recursive function to traverse A. w...
13:08 4 December 2019

April 4, 2019 [Tsinghua training 2017], [LOJ2326], [Luogu P4224] simple data structure (line screen processing factor table) (DP) (set maintenance)

LOJ portal Luogu portal Analysis: In fact, I have said so much in the title. There is a sentence The same number can only be inserted c times at most...
13:01 4 December 2019

[Python learning] guess age through the while loop and for loop

Python can limit the number of guesses about age by using while and for loops 1. In the small program of guessing age, the code without loop is as fol...
12:55 4 December 2019

Remember the problems in SpringBoot1. * to Springoot2.0

1. Interceptor problem Write static path pattern in the configuration file after 2.0. / static / * * has no effect (2.0 needs to be configured in the ...
12:35 4 December 2019