Article. Page 91

Data structure quick sort

Fast sorting is the upgrade of bubble sorting, which belongs to exchange sorting. The basic idea of fast sorting is: the records to be sorted are div...
21:26 2 December 2019

R script reading summary Excel table data

It mainly uses xlsx and rJava package, opens Excel file, reads data of each table, and writes it to summary table. The following figure shows the ori...
21:25 2 December 2019

Binary tree traversal algorithm

Preorder traversal Idea: first root node - > left subtree - > right subtree;The binary tree is as follows: /** * TreeSearch Brief description *...
21:19 2 December 2019

Things about Android layoutparams

Original text: What is LayoutParams? LayoutParams is used by View to tell its parent control how to place itself. Lay...
21:16 2 December 2019

The stored procedure for generating time dimension in mysql (stored procedure example)

This paper mainly records the problem of generating time dimension in the process of BI and data analysis. It is also a basic example of mysql stored ...
21:06 2 December 2019

Optimization of construction speed of vue-cli2

For the front-end projects created by using Vue cli scaffolding, compiling and publishing are almost necessary operations, some of which only need sec...
21:05 2 December 2019

Get the weight or feature of a layer in the middle of Python

Get the weight or feature of a layer in the middle of Python Question: how to deal with a trained network model that wants to know the weight of a ce...
20:51 2 December 2019

[FJOI2015] division of line tree of Mars store problem

Each inquiry of this question has two intervals, one is time interval and the other is store number interval. Each purchase is also related to the ti...
20:26 2 December 2019

Verification code algorithm

Verification Code: This verification code is developed by myself with reference to other people's ideas. The printing effect is general and not ...
20:20 2 December 2019

Handwritten code of front-end written test

1. Flat nested array / flat implementation Description: expand and tile a nested array into an array with only one layer. let array = [1, [1, 2, 3], [...
20:08 2 December 2019

django development - building distributed (multi node) task queue with cellery

Today, I'll show you how to use cellery to build a task queue with two nodes in django project (one master node and one child node; the master no...
19:43 2 December 2019

Python automatic operation and maintenance development: basic Mysql Database Paging and paging in Python code

Back end database paging is implemented according to limit The first writing method: limit the number of pages offset start position select id,name,s...
19:23 2 December 2019

Use form create to dynamically generate vue components, supporting json format

[github] | [description document] Example let rule = [ { type:'row', children:[ { type:'i-col', props:{ span:12 }, children:[ form...
19:06 2 December 2019

Luogu P3346 [ZJOI2015] fantasy land favored by gods (generalized suffix automata)

meaning of the title Title Link Sol Board questions of generalized SAM. First, if the leaf node is no more than 20, then the subtree whose root is eac...
17:55 2 December 2019

Atcoder starter contest 115-d problem solving Report

subject thinking This problem is a delicate recursive one. Hamburgers of Level-0, level-1 and level...
17:52 2 December 2019

Reconstruction of P4198 building in Luogu (line section tree)

meaning of the title Title Link Sol Don't ask me why I sent it twice just to cheat traffic The line tree method of this question is very wonderfu...
17:46 2 December 2019

Differences between CountDownLatch and join

When the ants were asked this question, they really couldn't imagine the difference when they realized the same function. When they came back to...
17:42 2 December 2019

Troubleshooting of Oracle with high resource consumption but execution = 0

During the daily inspection of a customer's production environment database, it was found that the AWR report had a high resource consumption but...
17:25 2 December 2019

Extraction of light bar centerline Steger algorithm [Matlab]

Steger algorithm is based on Hessian matrix, which can realize the center of light stripe Sub-pixel Precision positioning: Firstly, the normal direct...
17:12 2 December 2019

Configuration of axios in nuxt

Need npm axios? At the beginning, I thought that npm axios was needed, just like the common vue SPA development, and this way could work. But it is n...
17:08 2 December 2019

[C + +] 42 μ type conversion function

Question:Can class types be converted to normal types? #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Test { }; int main() { Test t; int i = 0; ...
17:00 2 December 2019

Week 11 item 2 -- solving algebraic expression with binary tree

[item - solving algebraic expression with binary tree]The binary tree is used to represent the algebraic expression. Each branch node of the tree rep...
16:58 2 December 2019

05 "filter to solve the Chinese scrambling of the request (inherited from HttpServletRequestWrapper)

1) create a new EncodingFilter Create a new filter for all requests in the past. The decoding method used to process the request parameters is UTF-8,...
16:56 2 December 2019

Write custom parameter validation

This article has been published for more than two months since I left my previous company two months ago (the reason may be at the end of the year, th...
16:54 2 December 2019

Spring cloud microservices Zuul cross domain issues

At present, the project structure is VUE as the front-end, and the back-end uses the micro service architecture. When developing, the front-end needs ...
16:49 2 December 2019

nginx deploy thinkphp and laravel

Recently, bloggers deployed a TP5 project they practiced under Centos+Nginx environment. Some problems were encountered in the process, but the probl...
16:16 2 December 2019

Implementation of paging query in weUI

This paper introduces the implementation of h5 paging query in mobile terminal 1. front end html Front end implementation based on weui style library ...
16:12 2 December 2019

layui-v2.4.5 compatibility tuning

It has been written in the community of layui, but the community editor is really not good. Write it again here, just to consolidate it table.js Descr...
15:51 2 December 2019

Nginx learning notes virtual machine host

Virtual host web service publishing needs to meet three preconditions: IP, PORT and domain name; A web server can only publish one web by default; In...
15:45 2 December 2019

A detailed explanation of Z-arrangement (C + +)

A detailed explanation of the problem of zigzag arrangement (C + +): Problem Description: given a matrix matrix, output the content of matrix after Z-...
15:40 2 December 2019