Article. Page 92

The array implementation of ZJU data structure 2019 spring stack

Just started to learn the data structure and implemented a simple stack instance. It is to print the output numbers in reverse order by adjusting the...
15:37 2 December 2019

Scala: tuples, arrays, maps

Tuple: tuple, aggregation of values of different types.Combine a fixed number of items so that they can be passed as a whole. Unlike arrays or lists, ...
15:31 2 December 2019

[Xuefeng magnetic needle stone blog] python tkinter graphic tool style job

python test development project practice directory python tools book download - continuous update Use tkinter to draw the following window Reference ...
15:31 2 December 2019

Spring boot integrates mybatis and mapper interface to scan source code analysis

AutoConfiguredMapperScannerRegistrar public void registerBeanDefinitions(AnnotationMetadata importingClassMetadata, BeanDefinitionRegistry registry) {...
15:28 2 December 2019

Two way binding with Proxy

We need to use Proxy to implement two-way binding in vue3.0, so let's try to implement it first. 1 implementation of object.definepropertyThe ori...
14:54 2 December 2019

PHP sends requests to other servers through curl and returns data

In many cases, we need to request the third-party server to obtain some data, such as token, such as Baidu's active push, so how does our php rea...
14:52 2 December 2019

Small php framework

Project source address Link address( Framework Simple php framework Framework features Single entry index.php Based o...
14:46 2 December 2019

Common code set

I. jquery returns to the top $("html , body").animate(,'slow'); Second, jQuery judges the sliding direction of the mobile screen ...
14:43 2 December 2019

Project deployment of seed search website based on python

This lecture will explain the deployment process of seed search website in detail. Website presentation: Source address: https:...
13:42 2 December 2019

Getting started with Python crawler 17-100 blog crawling data

Written in front I've been blogging for a while, but I suddenly forget that the blog of blog channel can also be grabbed, so I did In fact, it&#0...
13:39 2 December 2019

IV. introduction and basic use of Git

16. Organize consecutive multiple commit into one commit ce587039661c88fd508035fd103a012e33c057ac (HEAD -> temp) Author: Jone <[email protected]...
13:35 2 December 2019

Laravel uses JWT to implement API user authorization

Part I installation of JWT Step 1. Use Composer to install tymon / JWT auth:`composer require tymon/jwt-auth 1.0.0-rc.3 Step 2. Add a service provider...
13:30 2 December 2019

Django's own background management configuration

Configuration of Django's own background management Create projects and apps Modify profile Database configuration DATABASES = { 'default&#0...
13:27 2 December 2019

Practical encryption module of python

Note 1: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512 encryption The encryption of these hash algorithms is supported in the built-in module hashlib of python.This part o...
13:07 2 December 2019

mongodb installation under Centos7 and its simple and practical application

i skeleton spirit Concern August 20, 2018 17:45 * words 141 read 76 comments 0 like 0 mongodb version: 4.0 Official website installation tutorial For...
12:50 2 December 2019

Luogu P3246 [HNOI2016] sequence (offline differential tree array)

meaning of the title Title Link Sol It seems that a different method has been worked out from the solution of the question (however, it still exploded...
12:25 2 December 2019

Python practice example (10)

55. Learn to use bitwise inversion ~. Program analysis: ~ 0 = 1; ~ 1 = 0(1) first shift a to the right by 4 digits. (2) set a number with the lower 4 ...
12:23 2 December 2019

Appearance mode of design mode (structural type)

[TOC] I. model definition Appearance mode: appearance mode is to provide a unified interface to access a group of interfaces of subsystem. The facade...
11:57 2 December 2019

vue wechat sharing (actual battle)

Today, I met the demand of wechat sharing. Generally speaking, it's relatively simple, but I still met a hypothetical pit (really hypothetical) a...
11:39 2 December 2019

Detailed explanation of the latest wechat domain name detection technology

Now the number of users of wechat has ranked first in all communication apps, and wechat has become one of the largest mobile traffic platforms in Chi...
11:35 2 December 2019

Interpretation of PostgreSQL source code (108) - background process (PGPROC data structure)

PostgreSQL uses the process mode. For each client, it will Fork a background process to respond to the client's request. This section describes ...
11:33 2 December 2019

Some tips when the disk is filled with large files

In the production environment, the disk will be filled with some large files, but the large files cannot be deleted immediately because they are open...
11:27 2 December 2019

Vue element UI vuex for skin switch

1. install sass npm install --save-dev sass-loader npm install --save-dev node-sass 2. Add configuration in the rules of webpack.base.conf.js under t...
11:13 2 December 2019

LeetCode maximum sub order and / length of last word / plus one

53. Maximum suborder sum Given an integer array nums, find a continuous subarray with the largest sum (subarray contains at least one element), and r...
10:42 2 December 2019

python foundation - 8 (decorator)

I. nonlocal keyword def outer(): num = 0 def inner(): # If you want to modify the value of an external function variable (name) in a nested function ...
10:38 2 December 2019

[reprint] C ා tool class: Csv file conversion class

csv is a comma separated value format file that stores table data (numbers and text) in plain text. A csv file consists of any number of records separ...
10:11 2 December 2019

Saltstack user guide 03 configuration management

1. Host planning Matters needing attention If the configuration file of master or minion is modified, the corresponding service must be restarted. 2....
10:06 2 December 2019

Spring Data JPA must master 20 + query keywords

WeChat public number: an excellent wasterIf you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a message in the background. I will try my best to sol...
9:59 2 December 2019

React form element

Let's talk about the form elements of react today.Controlled elementLet's see how to get the value of the input box import React, { Componen...
9:42 2 December 2019

Effective alphabetic words

Organizing thoughts: I am mentally retarded now, so no matter how simple the topic is, I will share it. My idea is to define two dictionaries (such a...
9:39 2 December 2019